- 產品序號:
- Ki Pro GO
- UPC:
- 812321031935
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The AJA Io X3 Professional Video I/O for Thunderbolt 3 is the ultimate solution for capturing and outputting high-quality video and audio. It offers seamless connectivity and supports DCI 2K and HD/SD workflows up to 60p. With its compact and sleek design, the Io X3 is perfect for professionals on the go.
Here are some key features and benefits of the AJA Io X3:
- High-Quality Video and Audio: The Io X3 supports 4K video capture and output, ensuring crystal-clear visuals. It also provides embedded 16-channel SDI and 8-channel HDMI audio, delivering immersive sound.
- Thunderbolt 3 Connectivity: With a single Thunderbolt 3 cable, you can connect the Io X3 to your laptop, desktop, or minicomputer. It also features a second Thunderbolt connector for added flexibility.
- Versatile Video Connections: The Io X3 offers four bidirectional 3G-SDI inputs/outputs and an HDMI input and output. This allows for easy and seamless integration with a wide range of devices and systems.
- HDR Support: Take your videos to the next level with HDR (high dynamic range) support. The Io X3 enables you to capture rich and vibrant HDR images, supporting HLG, HDR10, and Dolby Vision standards.
- Compact and Convenient: The Io X3 is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easy to carry and use anywhere. Two units can be mounted side by side in just 1 RU space, saving valuable set-up area.
- Multiview Output: The Io X3 offers multichannel input and output, and its HDMI output allows you to display all sources on one screen. This feature is fully compatible with OBS Studio software, providing a seamless streaming experience.
- Apple M1 Chip Support: The Io X3 is optimized for the Apple M1 chip, ensuring smooth performance and compatibility with AJA macOS drivers and software.
- Software Compatibility: The Io X3 is compatible with a range of software, including major NLE systems, OBS Studio, vMix, Telestream Wirecast, and more. This allows for seamless integration into your existing workflow.
With the AJA Io X3 Professional Video I/O for Thunderbolt 3, you can take your video production to the next level. Whether you're a professional filmmaker or a content creator, this device provides the high-quality connectivity and versatility you need. Don't settle for anything less than the best. Upgrade to the Io X3 today and experience the difference.
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Unit B, 10/F Mai Sik Industrail Building, 1-11 Kwai Ting Road, Kwai Fong, N.T