H&Y Filter
H&Y K-series 100mm x 100mm 夜光濾鏡 (連磁吸快拆架)
- 產品序號:
- KPN01
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H&Y K-series 100mm x 100mm 夜光濾鏡 (連磁吸快拆架)
H&Y K-series 100mm x 100mm 夜光濾鏡 (連磁吸快拆架)
H&Y濾鏡的100 x 100mm K系列夜濾鏡旨在減少圖像或視頻中的光污染現象,包括夜空和人造光源的照明。當在裝有日光膠卷的膠卷相機系統或選擇了日光白平衡設置的數碼相機系統上使用該濾鏡時,可以獲得這種效果。
使用時,100 x 100mm K系列夜間濾光片可以吸收市區內常見的鈉蒸氣燈,汞蒸氣燈或低顯色指數LED發出的黃光,從而改善夜間圖像的效果。通過防止記錄與那些燈的顏色相關的光的主波長,可以提高天文物體的可見度,並以更少的眩光和更高的對比度更清晰地定義人造光源。
這款100 x 100mm K系列夜間濾鏡由光學玻璃製成,以提高清晰度和色彩保真度。該濾鏡的每一面都包括八層防反射塗層,以防止內部重影和反射,以及一層防污的納米塗層,當與水或油接觸時可提高成串效果,從而提高清潔效率。
100 x 100mm K系列夜間過濾器預裝有H&Y過濾器100 x 100mm快速釋放電磁過濾器框架,可與H&Y過濾器100mm K系列過濾器支架一起使用。當與配置有一對磁性濾鏡插槽的100mm K系列濾鏡支架結合使用時,每個帶有快速釋放磁性濾鏡框架的濾鏡都可以磁性堆疊在相機鏡頭的前面,而不是僅插入特定數量的濾鏡中支架插槽,使用戶可以確定要應用的濾鏡數量,所有這些濾鏡都可以快速安裝,重新定位或與其他對像或變化的照明條件所需的其他濾鏡一起切換。
在使用時,此快速釋放電磁過濾器框架還可以加固100 x 100mm K系列夜間過濾器的邊緣,從而通過確保過濾器保持平坦來增強過濾器的剛性並提高清晰度。還提供了用於存儲和運輸的濾袋,以及用於維護過濾器的超細纖維清潔布。
H&Y Filters 100 x 100mm K-Series Night Filter
- Reduces the appearance of light pollution in images or video that include the night sky and illumination from artificial light sources
- For cameras with daylight film installed, or a digital camera system with its daylight white balance setting selected
- Absorbs the yellow light from sodium-vapor lamps, mercury-vapor lamps, or low Color Rendering Index LED's, common light sources within urban areas
- Enhances the visibility of astronomical objects, and where they appear, artificial light sources are more clearly defined with less glare and improved contrast
- 2x filter factor reduces exposure by 1 stop
- Constructed from optical glass for clarity
- Each glass surface includes eight layers of anti-reflection coatings to prevent internal ghosting and reflections as well as an anti-smear, nano coating for an improved beading effect when in contact with water or oil for greater cleaning efficiency
- Filter pouch for storage and transport, as well as a microfiber cleaning cloth for filter maintenance
H&Y Filters 100 x 150mm K-Series Hard-Edge Graduated Neutral Density 0.6 Filter
- 100 x 150mm graduated neutral density filter darkens bright areas of an image, such as skies, while leaving the remainder of the frame unaffected
- 4x filter factor provides up to a 2-stop reduction of light in selective areas
- Hard-edged line of transition between the dense and clear areas
- Useful for images that feature horizons, or any hard transition between the sky and land
- Filter does not affect coloration of the image and is ideal for use with other filters
- Each glass surface includes eight layers of anti-reflection coatings to prevent internal ghosting and reflections as well as an anti-smear, nano coating for an improved beading effect when in contact with water or oil for greater cleaning efficiency
- Constructed from Gorilla glass for enhanced scratch-resistance
- Filter pouch for storage and transport, as well as a microfiber cleaning cloth for filter maintenance
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A&S Broadcast Limited | 專業攝影器材
A&S Broadcast limited成立於2000年,其核心目標是買賣新的和專業和廣播視頻設備。 自成立以來,該公司一直通過遍布全球廣播行業的合作夥伴公司提供支持,這使該公司能夠為整個視頻設備提供靈活的解決方案,並提供有競爭力的價格。
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Unit B, 10/F Mai Sik Industrail Building, 1-11 Kwai Ting Road, Kwai Fong, N.T